

Ratatouille: Or, How I May Be Losing My "I Hate Zucchini" Membership Card

First it was Sautéed Julienned Zucchini. Then it was Zucchini Tomato Slaw with Tennessee Mustard Dressing. Now, Ratatouille. What is wrong with me? I can understand the first two - the first is flash sautéed and the second uncooked with the oh-so-offensive seed cores unused, but ratatouille is, by definition cooked, and for quite a while. For this, I blame Food52. 

They featured Alice Water's Ratatouille recipe, slightly adapted, in their "Genius Recipes" series (there is some cool stuff there - check it out), during the restaurant's 40th anniversary celebration week and the treatment touched a chord for me. From the picture on the site,it looked: not soupy, not a brown mash, not full of watery zucchini that taste like heated slush - all bad taste memories for me.  

In this preparation, the peppers, onions and (yes) even the zucchini maintain texture, structure and dignity and the flavors of the other vegetables is distinct. This is still true as I eat it this morning (the third day) warmed up, under some scrambled eggs. Finally, the recipe reminded me of pound cake - a pound of tomatoes, a pound of zucchini, a pound of onions, a pound of eggplant, a pound of peppers, plus olive oil, 4-6 cloves of garlic, basil, a pinch of dried chile flakes and salt. Easy to remember. 

Since I used Food52's recipe as is and did not adapt it enough to republish, except to cut the zucchini a little bit larger than the called-for 1/2" dice, I'll refer you to their site for the recipe but will give you some notes in the pictures below, on the preparation.

Preparation Notes & Photos                                                                                                                 
The only quibble I have with this recipe is how the quantity of basil is described:
  • 1/2 bunch of basil, tied in a bouquet with kitchen twine + 6 basil leaves, chopped

What is a "bunch of basil"? Small differences likely don't matter but a bunch can be few stems or a fist-full. During summer, especially at farmers markets, basil is plentiful and the bunches I buy are huge. If I purchased a plastic clam shell  package of fresh basil from my local corporate grocery store, it's a much, much smaller amount and may not have been enough. If I'd used half of the giant bunch of basil from the farmers market, I think it would have overwhelmed the dish.

I used yellow and green zucchini, Early Girl tomatoes, 2 small red onions, 1 medium yellow onion,
red Italian sweet peppers and 3 small eggplants and basil

I used this much basil and while the flavor permeates the dish, it doesn't overpower. To the right is the eggplant which is cooked first, caramelized, and then removed to be added back later.

The onions are colored mostly from bringing up the fond after cooking the eggplant with a little (very) color from cooking. I like making a spot for my garlic so that it actually cooks with pans' heat rather than throwing it in to steam with the other ingredients. That's a tip I picked up watching Lidia Bastianich. I used six cloves but it absolutely doesn't overwhelm the dish and cooked it to a very, very pale straw color

I cooked the onions, garlic and chile flakes before I added the basil (a slight departure from the recipe) and then, as the recipe states, added each of the following, cooking for a few minutes before adding the next ingredient: peppers, summer squash and tomatoes. Lastly, the eggplant is returned to the pan and the dish is cooked for 10-15 minutes before the basil is removed and the seasoning adjusted.
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Fattoush (Traditional Middle Eastern Salad) ♥ Recipe

Fattoush (Middle Eastern Salad with Romaine, Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Fried Pita Chips and Lemon-Sumac Dressing)
It takes a lot of words to describe what's really a simple traditional Lebanese / Syrian / Middle Eastern salad. So instead, just learn this one word and repeat after me: Fattoush. Fattoush. Fattoush. (That's fuh-toosh, fuh-toosh, fuh-toosh.) Now go make one.

Dear St. Louis Post-Dispatch,
A certain St. Louis food blogger is wild for the Fattoush Salad at Ranoush, the Syrian restaurants in University City and now in Kirkwood. Would you please see if the owners would share the recipe? Please, pretty please?
That Certain Food Blogger

Since February, I've been writing a weekly column for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch called "Special Request" -- the one where St. Louisans write in to ask for recipes for their favorite dishes from restaurants. It's a kick! (See St. Louis Restaurant Recipes & the Most Recent Columns.)

But every once in awhile, I want to game the system and send in my own request. Now that'd be cheating but I've been extra-tempted all summer long, ever since Ranoush (before clicking, you might want to "mute" your sound) opened a second location just a few blocks from home.

Ranoush is my kinda place. Good food. Open late! (The "Kirkwood Dinner Bell" rings at five so finding good food after 8pm here can be tricky!) Friendly owner and staff. A big patio with red umbrellas that brightens a too-long empty corner right in the midst of our little downtown. We've been at least three times -- and I've suggested it for lunch and supper and a late-night snack at least that many times again -- but have ordered only one thing, the fattoush salad. (Well, two, actually, but the amazing hummus will have to wait for another day.) The fattoush salad is made with romaine and tomatoes in a lemony-garlicky-sweetish vinaigrette and checkered with crisp squares of just-out-of-the-fryer pita bread. OH MY.
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Chile Verde

Sometimes it's hard pretending that it's summer and I should cook summer meals when I look out the window in the evening and see fog blowing up my street, my visibility is limited to two blocks and the wind is howling.  Okay I know, "Wah, wah, wah!" </end bitch session> Welcome to summer in San Francisco. At least in my neighborhood.

Last week I made chile verde and appreciated the warmth. Actually, I made it twice. The first time (a small batch with chicken) it was wimpy with absolutely zero heat. I used four jalapenos and I might as well have left them out. Coincidentally, a few days after I made it, I saw this article on CookThink. Demand for chiles has resulted in prettier, shipping friendly, but milder jalapenos.
"To meet the demand, jalapeno breeding has promoted varieties that are flawlessly pretty, easy to ship and easier to grow in cooler climates. Jalapenos used to be grown mostly in the high deserts of New Mexico, Arizona, and Northern Chihuahua and Sonora, Mexico. Hot, dry climates promote the production of capsaicin, the chemical that makes a hot pepper hot. Now, some varieties can be grown in wetter, cooler climates that don’t create enough heat for a spicy chile pepper."
Furthermore, the author provides information on varieties to look for if you want hotter or milder chiles. When I'm cooking and using chiles, I'll taste each one to get a sense of its heat - I should have followed my own advice on my first batch. Chiles are hotter at the stem end than the tip so I usually go for the middle. The ribs, core and seeds of the chile is where the majority of the heat is so if you taste the flesh and it's kinda wimpy, just trim off the stem and use the rest of the chile.

When I cook with chiles, my goal is to find the balance between enough heat without losing the taste of the other ingredients and the dish, overall.

Online Chile Resources:
Cook's Thesaurus: Fresh Chiles and Dried Chiles
Wikipedia: Scoville Scale (common method for categorizing a chile's heat)

I'm declaring my love for tomatillos. There, I said it.
Tomatillos (unrelated to tomatoes) are a fruit, related to the Cape Gooseberry. Green tomatillos are more tart than the purple-ish varieties. Raw, the taste of a green tomatillo is reminiscent of a Granny Smith apple. Tomatillos can be used raw or cooked. To prepare, remove the paper husks and rinse them in warm water to remove (most of) the sticky stuff which can be somewhat bitter. You don't have to completely remove it, so don't fret if there still some on the surface of the tomatillo.

Out of the broiler.

Sauce ingredients ready for the blender.

After blending.

Recipe: Chile Verde

Serves 6-8
Serve over rice, or with small corn tortillas, toasted just until they have a few brown spots, but are still pliable. Feel free to adjust the type and amount of chiles to your taste. This can also be made with chicken - I would recommend using chicken thighs as they stand up to long cooking without getting dry.

  • 1.5 lbs tomatillos, husks removed, rinsed in warm water to wash off some of the sticky stuff and then set on a kitchen towel to dry

  • 4 cloves of garlic, unpeeled, but remove any extraneous papery husk - you don't want it to burn up.

  • 4-8 serrano chiles (I used 4), cored and seeded (if preferred)

  • 4 poblano chiles

  • 1/2 cup (packed) cilantro (leaves and stems)

  • 2 tablespoons lime juice

  • salt

Sauce Preparation
  • Turn on your oven's broiler.  Line a rimmed sheet pan with foil. Cut the tomatillos in half horizontally at their equators, set cut side down on a foil-lined pan.Add the garlic and serrano chiles to the pan.

  • Broil for 4-7 minutes. I have no control over how far away the broiler pan is from the element in my stove and I think it's about 4-5 inches, so check your tomatillos after a few minutes and then frequently thereafter. You want them to break down and be (quite) brown on top, but it's okay if not every single tomatillo half is uniformly browned. Have I ever mentioned that I hate broilers that are underneath the oven? Ugh. I certainly do.

  • When it's done, remove and allow it to cool a little before you remove the garlic gloves from the paper (discard this) and add everything to a blender. Do NOT add hot liquids to a blender and even if it's warm, only fill the blender halfway and hold a kitchen towel firmly over the lid. Failure to do so may result in a Vesuvius-like explosion and very painful burns. Blending in batches is just fine.

  • You also need to roast the poblano chiles. I halved mine, removed the stem, seeds and core and broiled these in my toaster oven. Although I have a gas stove it's quicker to do it this way unless I am roasting them whole to be stuffed. You want the skin to be completely blackened. Remove from the broiler and let them cool down a little before removing the skin. I can usually just pick it off with my fingers, but you may also use a dinner knife and scrape gently. Do not rinse them!

  • After you've removed the skin, add poblanos, the cilantro and the 2 tablespoons of lime juice to the tomatillo mixture and pulse a few times. Blend until everything has broken down and the mixture is homogenous. Season with a pinch of salt and pulse a couple of time, then taste and adjust as necessary. You don't want this to be seasoned as 'ready to eat' because there are other ingredients as well as chicken stock or broth to consider, so be conservative. Set aside while you're preparing the remainder of the dish. This can be made a couple of days in advance and stored covered, in the refrigerator.


  • 3-4 lbs boneless pork shoulder, trimmed of exterior fat, some of the interior fat and as much as you can of the connective tissue that won't melt in the cooking process. Cut into 3" x 2" (approximate) chunks. Don't go crazy and remove ALL the fat - it is a natural meat-baster. It's hard to remove fat after the dish is fully complete if you prefer less fat, because the sauce is very thick, but not too hard after the first phase where it has been cooking in the sauce for just about an hour

    Season the pork pieces on both sides with about 3/4 teaspoon of kosher salt for every pound of meat. Store in the refrigerator for several hours and, if you have the time, up to three days.

  • 2 tablespoons oil - high smoke point (I used canola)

  •  2 medium onions, large dice

  • 4 cloves garlic, minced

  • 2 serrano chiles, small dice

  • Tomatillo sauce (see above)

  • 2 cups hot chicken stock, or low sodium chicken broth, or water +more if necessary

  • 4 tablespoons fresh ground cumin powder, divided

  • 4 tablespoons fresh ground coriander powder, divided

  • 2 tablespoons Mexican oregano, divided

  • 1/2 cup (packed) rough-chopped cilantro leaves (I use the stems too, but you might just want the leaves)

  • Sliced, pickled jalapenos - homemade or from the store. You can buy them hot, medium or mild. I used 1/2 a jar (including the juice), labelled "hot".

  • kosher salt and freshly ground pepper

Suggested Garnish:
  • Avocado, sliced or diced, quartered limes or lime slices, cilantro leaves roughly chopped.

Remove the pork pieces from the refrigerator 20-30 minutes before you're ready to cook it. Add the oil to a large, heavy dutch oven and heat on medium high until the oil shimmers. Test with a piece of the pork - it needs to seriously sizzle. Add the pork shoulder pieces and brown well on each side - three to four minutes. You don't want to crowd the pan, so do this in batches if necessary. Remove to a platter and pour out all but a couple of tablespoons of remaining fat.

Add the onions and cook until translucent and just slightly golden, adjusting the heat if necessary so that you don't brown them too much. Make a little room in the pan and add the minced garlic and diced serrano chiles. Cook until the garlic is a very pale straw color. Add 2 tablespoons of the cumin, 2 tablespoons of the coriander and 1 tablespoon of the Mexican oregano and combine with the other ingredients already in the pan and cook on medium for 3-4 minutes.

Add the tomatillo sauce and stir it to combine with the other ingredients. Cook this at a strong simmer for about 5 minutes, uncovered. Add 2 cups of the chicken stock or low sodium broth and stir to combine. Cook this for another 5 minutes and taste. Adjust the seasoning if necessary.

Add the pork back to the pan along with any accumulated juices and cook everything, covered, at a medium simmer for about an hour. At this point, if you wish, you can skim off any fat that has risen to the top of the mixture.

Remove the cover and continue to cook at a medium simmer for about 30 minutes. Add the remaining 2 tablespoons cumin, 2 tablespoons coriander and 1 tablespoon Mexican oregano. The chile will start to reduce in volume. Add the cilantro and the pickled jalapeno slices and continue to cook until it has reached the consistency of a thick stew. Take the chile off heat and roughly break up the pork pieces with two forks - they should be chunky, but easy to eat. If you're going to serve this with tortillas, you don't want it to be too liquid-y. Taste and adjust the seasoning.

Serve over rice, with tortillas (or both) and serve garnishes on the side.
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Spoon Salad, Chickpeas and Wild Rice with Yogurt Sesame Sauce

A few years ago, I landed on Heidi Swanson's blog (101 Cookbooks) when I was looking for instruction on how to make yogurt and have found inspiration there, and in reading her cookbooks (Super Natural Cooking and Super Natural Every Day) ever since. Her focus, is on "...natural, whole foods and ingredients - vegetarian recipes that are good for you, with the occasional sweet treat".

At the time I stumbled across her blog I knew I wanted to maintain my membership in the "I eat meat" club, but wanted to cut back and focus on produce and whole grains as the majority of what I eat. I was inspired by not so much the main part of the dish (which looks delicious), but the dressing in her post: Sesame Yogurt Pasta Salad. In turn, Ms. Swanson was inspired by one of Peter Berley's recipes in his book.

I've written on Spoon Salad previously - a combination of raw vegetables cut up so that you can eat it with a spoon - with a good 'refrigerator life' that I make on a weekly basis and mix with a variety of other vegetables, herbs, grains, nuts, beans, dairy, meat, fish and/or tofu. The creativity is in the dressings and 'mix-ins'. The base vegetables change somewhat by season. Every once in a while, I'll use it as a base for a speedy saute or stir fry. I just don't get tired of it.

I had Spoon Salad in the refrigerator along with cooked chickpeas and wild rice and enough 'mix-ins' (avocado and cilantro) to make a great lunch, and enough leftover dressing to take to my friend Lynn's house the next day as a dip for sesame crackers.


Sauce adapted from: Heidi Swanson's Sesame Yogurt Pasta Salad
Serves: 4 as a main dish and 6-8 as a side
You may make (and I recommend it) the dressing a couple of hours ahead of time and refrigerate. It will thicken up a little, but just add water - a tablespoon at a time - you don't want it to be watery.

  • 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil

  • 1 medium garlic clove, minded

  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin

  • 1/2 teaspoon ground coriander

  • 1 teaspoon minced ginger

  • 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper

  • 1/2 teaspoon turmeric

  • 1/2 cup warm water

  • 1/2 cup roasted tahini (if you use raw, you might want to add a teaspoon or so of toasted sesame oil)

  • 1/2 cup plain or Greek Yogurt (full fat, low fat or non-fat - all of them work)

  • 3 tablespoons fresh lemon juice

  • fine grain sea or kosher salt

 Combine the warm water, tahini and yogurt in a mixing bowl and add 1/4 teaspoon salt. Combine.

Heat the olive oil in a small skillet over medium heat. Add the garlic, cumin, coriander, ginger, cayenne and turmeric. Stir and saute for about 30 seconds or until the spices are toasted. Add this mixture to the bowl with the water, tahini and yogurt. Add the lemon juice and combine well. Taste for seasoning.

  • 4-6 cups of Spoon Salad (or any colorful vegetable-based salad)

  • 1 1/2 cups of cooked chickpeas

  • 1 1/2 cups of cooked wild rice

  • 4 scallions, chopped (green and white parts)

  • 1/4 cup cilantro (packed) chopped - leaves and the tender parts of the stem

  • 1 avocado, diced

  • fine grain sea or kosher salt

Combine all of the ingredients with 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon salt* . All but the avocado may be combined a couple of hours ahead of time and refrigerated. Take it out of the refrigerator a little before you serve - it should be chilled, but not cold. Dice and add the avocado right before serving.

Like Heidi, I like to serve the sauce on top of each serving of salad with any extra on the side.

* This assumes that none of the salad ingredients are seasoned with salt. If you are using any ingredients  that have been seasoned, adjust to taste.
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Spoon Salad: It's Crunch Time

Spoon Salad: this time with cucumber, celery, carrots, scallions, zucchini, red bell pepper, breakfast radishes and snap peas

Spoon Salad?
Spoon salad is my name for a combination of raw vegetables cut up so that you can eat it with a spoon, with a good 'refrigerator life' that I make weekly and mix with, at the time I prepare it, a variety of other vegetables (those that don't store well), herbs, grains, nuts, beans, dairy, meat, fish and/or tofu. The creativity is in how it's dressed and the 'mix-ins'. The base vegetables change somewhat by season. Every once in a while, I'll use it as a base for a speedy saute or stir fry. I just don't get tired of it.

This salad is capital-C CRUNCHY! I love the freshness and the taste. It's filling and wicked good for you. It is also great for developing and improving knife skills. I have tried cutting some vegetables in the food processor but overall, it takes less time to do it by hand and in some cases, using a food processor creates too much liquid. I recommend a small dice (1/4") for carrots or other hard vegetables and 1/3 to 1/2 inch for other less hard vegetables.

If there's a vegetable you want to use and you don't know if will keep for a few days, prepare some and add it to a separate container. Check on it each day. If it gets a little liquid-y in the container, it's probably not a good candidate. If you are considering becoming a Spoon Salad convert, think about how and when you'll use it. Once you've diced up the vegetables, you've pretty much made a commitment and you may want to start by making just a few cups at a time.
There really are no rules, but these:
  • The vegetables are cut so that you can eat the salad with a spoon

  • Don't use any 'watery' vegetables - this is a salad that should last in the refrigerator, if stored properly, for up to five days. I've gone as long as seven days with no discernible degradation of appearance or flavor. Anything like tomatoes, seedy cucumbers or other vegetables that are likely to break down quickly should not be included in the 'base' but may be added at the time you assemble it for a meal. One exception is English or Persian cucumbers - they tend to hold up well.

  • Make sure the vegetables are well washed when you start and as dry as possible before you assemble and store the salad - and by that I mean no or very, very little residual water left over from washing when you start to prep and dice the ingredients.

  • It should be very, very colorful

  • Store it in airtight containers - I store mine in several 4-cup plastic containers

You may or may not want to add scallions to your 'base', but I find that onions or shallots (if you wish to use those) should be added as 'mix-ins' at the time you're assembling your meal or dish. It travels well.

Ingredients I Use Include:

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Chilled Zucchini Soup Shooters ♥

Chilled Zucchini Soup
Here's a soup that will satisfy as summer winds toward autumn, made with little more than zucchini charmed with a touch of curry and served cold. It tastes much richer than it is, for the recipe is low carb and for Weight Watchers, either 1 or 2 points. Enjoy!

"... loved it warm ... it's creamy without using cream or much fat ... " ~ Anonymous
"Absolutely outstanding! ... SO GOOD!" ~ Anne I

If I were the "document everything" sort, I could impress you by naming exactly how many recipes there are here on A Veggie Venture. But I'm not that sort. Sure, I could figure it out, it wouldn't even take that long. Maybe some day I will. But it seems beside the point somehow -- for there's no disputing that A Veggie Venture has a lot, a LOT of vegetable recipes whether it's a 1000 or 1200 or 1400. How many vegetable recipes are here? A lot. That's all you (and I) really need to know.

During the first year, I cooked a new vegetable recipe every day (that was the "Veggie" part), and posted it, good or bad (the "Venture" part). It surprises me that nearly all the recipes, even the ones from six years ago that I've not made again, remain familiar. So when I happened onto a recipe for a chilled zucchini soup on Food52, I knew there was already a recipe here like that -- and that back in 2005, it hadn't been very good. So being an "Out with the old! In with the new!" sort, that's exactly what I've done.

And this, dear readers, is the new recipe, the one worth making, the one I'm happy to recommend, the one that had me up at midnight one night, taking a spoon to the refrigerator for just one more bite.

The soup is surprisingly creamy -- in fact, first taste, you'll think, "Wow, this is rich." But it's not. It's just onion and zucchini and some chicken broth. It's good enough warm but it's designed to be served cold and that's what I did, like shooters, small cupfuls with tiny spoons. Add another vegetable recipe to the list, we're up one.
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Friday Dinner: Flank Steak with Chimichurri Sauce, Tomato Feta Salad, Mexican Corn and Grilled Focaccia

Friday dinner with Lynn, my cooking partner in (delicious) crime. I love cooking slow - layering ingredients where the application of heat creates new flavors, but sometimes... hot, fast and easy is good, too. One of the best parts of this dinner was piling a little of the tomato salad and feta on the grilled bread (that had been rubbed with a cut clove of garlic and brushed with a little olive oil), then drizzling it with a dollup of  chimichurri sauce. That combination could be a meal unto itself.

Good corn needs nothing more than butter (and I can even forego that), a little salt and pepper but I'd never had Mexican "street corn" and wanted to try it. "Elote" is the word for corn on the cob and in most areas (some serve it cut off the cob) it is seasoned with crema (sour cream or mayonnaise may be substituted), lime, queso anejo (aged cheese, usually Cotija or Chihuahua) and chile powder.

Finally, a variety of halved sweet cherry and grape tomatoes, red onion and parsley left to macerate in the refrigerator for an hour then dressed with just a little olive oil and garnished with crumbled barrel-aged feta cheese.

Simple - grill the flank steak. One of the cardinal rules of cooking a piece of meat on the grill is to salt it and another is, don't screw it up.

Flank steak is both easy and hard. One end is generally flat, often about 3/4 " thick and the other is thicker - up to 1 1/2 - 2", sloping down to an inch or so Not the perfect cut for a crowd that all likes rare or medium rare, but good for a mix of the two. It's easy to overcook and this is a situation where an instant read thermometer can be your BFF.

The best way I know to grill a flank steak is to sear it fast on each side over hot coals (2-3 minutes a side and make sure the flank steak has been out of the refrigerator so it's not cold) and then let it cook on the cool side of the grill for 3-4 minutes.
Left: Areas, in descending order of thickness. Right: Where the cow keeps the flank steak (Wikipedia)

Yeah, I got a little overzealous grilling these and about half of them were pretty aggressively 'browned' (and that's being kind). Thank you Lynn, for scraping and making them edible.
  Grilled Flank Steak
  Chimichurri Sauce
  Mexican Street Corn
  Tomato and Red Onion Salad with Feta
  Grilled Focaccia 

Serves 5-6
Other than the salt, the dry rub is there to flavor the crust and not overpower the flavor of the meat. My preference is to apply it to the meat no more than 2 hours before grilling. The rub recipe makes about a cup - extra may be stored in an airtight container in the cupboard for a couple of months.
  • 2 1/2 lb flank steak
    • If there is silver skin (white, opaque connective tissue) on the flank steak (see image, above), trim that off.
 Dry Rub
  • 1/3 cup paprika
  • 2 teaspoons garlic powder
  • 2 teaspoons onion powder
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons salt
  • 1 teaspoon dry mustard
  • 1 teaspoon ground coriander
  • 1 teaspoon ground cumin
  • 1 teaspoon dried oregano or marjoram
  • 1 teaspoon dried thyme
  • 1 teaspoon pepper
  • 1/4 cup brown sugar
  • Pat the meat dry and apply 2-3 tablespoons of dry rub generously to each side of the meat. Cover the flank steak and store it covered in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours. At least 20 minutes before you are going to grill the meat, remove it from the refrigerator and pat the meat dry.
  • Prepare your grill for high heat with the coals on one side. Holding one hand about 5 inches above the coals, or the heating element, you should feel a strong desire to move your hand after no more than 2 seconds. Clean the grate with a wire brush and thoroughly oil it with a high smoke point oil (peanut or canola).
  • Grill for 3 minutes on each side and then move the meat to the side of the grill with no coals (or heat) and cook it for just a few minutes until it is done to your preference. An instant-read meat thermometer is your best meat-grilling friend.
  •  Remove the flank stead from the grill and tent with foil for a few minutes. When you are ready to serve, slice it very thinly across the grain.
Makes 8-10 ounces of sauce.
Chimichurri sauce is commonly used as a marinade or sauce on grilled beef. I kept the ratio of parsley to cilantro heavy on the parsley for one diner who isn't fond of it, but you can certainly up that to 1-to-1.
  • 6 cloves garlic
  • 1 3/4 packed cup fresh flat-leaf parsley leaves
  • 1/4 packed cup fresh cilantro leaves
  • 1⁄4 packed cup fresh oregano leaves
  • 2 tablespoons red wine vinegar
  • 1⁄2 cup olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon  lime juice
  • 1 tablespoon ground cumin
  • salt and fresh ground black pepper
  • red pepper flakes
  • In a food processor, pulse the garlic, add parsley, cilantro and oregano. Pulse until finely minced, but not pureed.
  • In a separate bowl, emulsify vinegar, pinch salt and pepper and lime juice, cumin and olive oil.
  • Mix with herb/garlic mixture. Store in the refrigerator until ready to serve. May be made 1 day in advance.

from: SFGATE Serves 6

  • 6 ears of corn, shucked
  • 1/3 to 1/2 cup mayonnaise
  • 1 small clove of garlic, pressed
  • Juice of one lime
  • 1 heaping cup of grated cueso anejo (Cotija, Chihuahua, parmesan or romano work, too)
  • chile powder - mild, medium or hot, it's up to you

  • Combine the mayonnaise, garlic and lime in a small bowl; refrigerate until needed.
  • Preheat your grill for high heat and cook the corn cobs, turning so that each side has some color
  • Spread the grated cheese out on a place. Remove the corn from the grill. Brush the corn with the seasoned mayonnaise, and roll in the cheese. Sprinkle on a dash of chile powder.
  • Remove the corn from the grill
Serves 5-6 as a side

  • 2 pint containers of mixed cherry and grape tomatoes
  • 1/2 red onion, sliced very thin and rinsed under cold water
  • 1/2 cup of barrel aged feta, or regular feta cheese, crumbled
  • 3 tablespoons of olive oil (maybe a little less)
  • 2 tablesppons of minced parsley
  • salt and fresh ground pepper

  • De-stem and cut the cherry and/or grape tomatoes in half lengthwise and add to a bowl. Add the thin-sliced and rinsed red onions and combine. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Cover and refrigerate for 1-2 hours.
  • Thirty minutes before you are ready to serve, remove the tomato and onion mixture from the refrigerator. When you are ready to serve, add the parsley and drizzle in the olive, one tablespoon at a time (tasting after each addition and toss to combine. It's okay if you use less than the proscribed amount of olive oil.
  • Serve, and top each serving with a tablespoon or so of the crumbled feta cheese

Serves 5-6 as a side

  • 1 slab of focaccia bread cut into 1 1/2 inch high by 4 inches long slices
  • sea salt
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic, peeled
  • olive oil

  • Grill each slice of focaccia bread on your barbeque grill. If you are grilling on the hot side, do NOT turn away for a second. Watch those slices like a hawk. You want the slices to have grill marks on both sides, but still be tender in the middle.
  • Remove the toasted slices to a tray and rub one side with a clove of garlic. Brush that side lightly with olive oil, sprinkle with a tiny bit of sea salt and serve.
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Carrot Walnut Salad with Walnut Oil and Dijon Vinaigrette

I have nothing against lettuce. I love lettuce, but most of the salads I eat at home are primarily vegetables other than lettuce and this oh-so-simple but oh-so-tasty salad caught my eye. Also, it gave me a opportunity to use the Messermeister julienne-ing thingy I used for the zucchini slaw.

Although you can use all extra-virgin olive oil - or any other salad oil - the walnut oil specified in the recipe is delicious. The recipe calls for 2 tablespoons each of walnut and olive oil but I found that was a little less tart than I prefer. If this dressing is too tart for your taste, add an additional tablespoon of olive or walnut oil. I also thought that it called for more walnuts and a little cumin.

This should be made at least two hours before serving and preferably you can make it the night before. You can also shred the carrots on a box grater but they will be a little wetter and will not take as long to marinate.If you shred them, squeeze out some of the moisture before you dress them. This also cuts down on the time for marination and two hours should suffice.

Recipe: Carrot Walnut Salad with Walnut Oil and Dijon Mustard Vinaigrette

Adapted from: Serious Eats (Kerry Saretsky)

Serves 4 as a side
You can also add some raisins (dark or golden, I prefer the latter), plumped slightly in warm water

  • 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard

  • 2 tablespoons walnut oil

  • 1 tablespoon olive oil

  • 2 tablespoons cider vinegar

  • 1/2 teaspoon cumin powder

  • Salt and pepper

  • 2 lbs carrots, finely julienned (or shredded - see head notes), approximately 3" long, or the length of one-half of a carrot

  • 8-10 walnut halves, broken in half lengthwise

  • In a large bowl, whisk together the mustard, walnut oil, olive oil, cider vinegar, cumin, salt, and pepper until emulsified. Toss the carrots with the sauce, and top with chopped walnuts. Cover and refrigerate for at least two hours before serving (longer is better - overnight is best)

  • Prior to serving, remove from the refrigerator. The salad should be served only slightly chilled, or at room temperature.

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    Infused Spirits and Shrubs Part 2: Shrubs Final

    Shrubs: blackberry, mango and raspberry
    In an earlier post on Infused Spirits and Shrubs (Part 1) I wrote about the history of shrubs. I never did get around to the strawberry or lemon, but decided to add mango, instead. This morning, I was crouched down in front of my lower pantry cupboard swirling seven one-quart mason jars filled with various fruits and vodka (still infusing) and decided it was high-time to strain and bottle my shrubs. I made three shrubs: blackberry, mango and raspberry. Each was a combination of fruit, sugar and apple cider vinegar in (near) equal amounts. The resulting syrup should be both sweet and tart, but neither of those characteristics should overpower the fruit. The thing that I really like about drinks made with a fruit shrub is that the vinegar gives drinks you make a quality of effervescence without bubbles - if that makes any sense. I am not a fan of sweet drinks so the tart quality of this syrup makes  me very happy. Of the three that I made, the blackberry has the least fruity character, but it is still very good. The mango and raspberry are absolute flavor home runs.

    I didn't strain any of the three to be crystal clear (especially the mango, which is quite fibrous anyway), but I put each mixture through a fine mesh strainer and then through a double-layer of cheese cloth before bottling.

    Straining the raspberry shrub: the remaining solids, while a wee bit seed-y, tasted good mixed into yogurt.

    blackberry shrub, basil and lime cooler

    Recipes: Fruit Shrub Syrup & Blackberry Shrub, Lime and Basil Cooler

    Fruit Shrub Syrup
    adapted from: Serious Eats: Cold-Processed Shrub
    Yield: Will vary somewhat depending on the type of fruit.
    The Serious Eats recipe says that it will make between 20 and 24 ounces, but each of the three I made (mango, blackberry and raspberry) yielded approximately 10 fluid ounces, or 300 ml each.
    I made one with red wine vinegar and was not happy with how forward the vinegar taste was - at least using this cold process method. I've been happiest with apple cider vinegar.

    • 1 cup very ripe fruit, washed and dried

    • 1 cup sugar

    • 1 cup apple cider vinegar

    • 1 glass container or jar with a tight lid to hold the mixture while it infuses

    • fine mesh strainer and cheese cloth

    • 1 bottle in which to decant the finished shrub - washed in the dishwasher or sterilised in boiling water. This may be slight overkill because of the vinegar, but it can't hurt.

    • 1 muddler or wooden spoon

    • Combine the fruit and sugar in the glass container and crush the fruit with the muddler or wooden spoon until the fruit is almost liquified and thoroughly combined with the sugar. Seal the jar or container and place this in the fridge until the sugar has dissolved. This may take anywhere from a few hours to a few days.

    • Add 1 cup apple cider vinegar to the fruit mixture and mix well. Cover and store in the refrigerator for a least a week. Pick up the jar and swirl the contents every day or so.

    • Strain this mixture through a find mesh strainer, pressing on the solids to extract the maximum amount of syrup and then strain once more through a couple of layers of cheesecloth.  Pour the twice-strained mixture into the bottle for the finished product, through a funnel. Refrigerate.

    Blackberry Shrub, Lime and Basil Cooler
    Serves: 2

    • 6 fresh basil leaves

    • 2 cups cracked ice

    • 3 oz vodka

    • 2 oz blackberry shrub

    • 1 oz cointreau

    • 2 oz fresh squeezed lime juice

    • Optional: 1 oz simple syrup

    • Cocktail shaker

    • Muddler or wooden spoon

    • Lime wedge quarters for garnish

    1. Add 1/2 cup of cracked ice and basil leaves to the cocktail shaker

    2. Gently muddle the ice and the basil for 10 seconds

    3. Add the vodka, blackberry shrub, lime juice. Add the syrup if you prefer a sweeter drink.

    4. Close the cocktail shaker and shake until the outside of the shaker feels icy-cold and sweats

    5. Strain the cocktail over ice into two tall or double highball glasses, or straight-up into martini glasses.

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    Tomato Smoothie ♥

    Tomato Smoothie
    A summer treat, a smoothie made with the fruit of a sweet, perfectly ripe summer tomato (we do remember that tomatoes are technically fruit, yes?) contrasting the tang of cold buttermilk.

    Ha! So is it true? I have the idea that all it takes are the words "tomato smoothie" and in an instant, everyone who reads them will be hankering one and know exactly how to make one too. Well just in case I'm wrong about that second point, here's the savory smoothie that I've been playing with.

    And honestly, I started to call this recipe "Chilled Tomato Soup with Buttermilk" but with that name, well, doesn't it sound like it takes some, you know, effort? In contrast, a smoothie is on-the-spot, on-demand food, needing just the inspiration and a few minutes to toss into the blender and toss it down the throat.

    So a "smoothie" it is. Serve it in glasses with straws or in bowls with spoons. It's still a smoothie.
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    Because Life Is Fragile

    Frozen Chocolate Peanut Butter Pie
    Life is fragile, life is precious, life is precarious. We all know this, we all experience it, we all, too often, live this. And yet, and yet. Some times life's fragility strikes close to home -- even when it really isn't.

    For me, the life lesson hit twice this week, first when my friend Janet buried her granddaughter in a casket just twenty-four -- aiii, twenty-four -- inches long. And then again, with the sudden and unexpected death of a young husband and father, "Mikey" as wife and food blogger Jennifer Perillo of In Jennie's Kitchen called him.

    Those of you who follow food bloggers will see lots of peanut butter pies appearing today. That's because Jennie invited us to make pies in her husband's memory. You see, she'd been meaning to make him his favorite pie, "Tomorrow", she'd think, "Or on the weekend." But she never got to it and suddenly, it was too late.

    And so today I invite you too to make a peanut butter pie, perhaps my favorite Frozen Chocolate Peanut Butter Pie from Kitchen Parade. But if you're like me, you'll make a metaphorical peanut butter pie --- instead choosing the act, the words, the hug, the call, the visit, whatever it is that you've been thinking, "Tomorrow".

    Instead, make it today, won't you? Because life is fragile.


    Follow more tributes at this special page on Facebook, Peanut Butter Pie Friday for Mikey and Jennifer Perillo.

    The editors at the wonderful Food52 are also collecting the stories in one place, watch Peanut Butter Pie for Mikey for updates.

    A Veggie Venture is home of 'veggie evangelist' Alanna Kellogg and the
    famous asparagus-to-zucchini Alphabet of Vegetables.
    © Copyright Kitchen Parade 2011

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    Baked Corn Pudding - Version 2: Updated and Improved

     My original post can be found here: Baked Corn Pudding: Simple and Delicious. It was my second post but it was stuck there in February when fresh corn isn't an in-season commodity for most of us. I made it on Saturday, but changed it slightly, including my approach to the seasoning. Is it worth getting excited over changes to a recipe that has just ONE main ingredient? Oh, hell yes!
    Here are the changes:
    1. For every three (or four) ears that you grate, cut the kernels off of the fourth (but save it to grate any extra corn-liquid).This dish is delicious when all of the ears are grated but even better with some whole kernels.

    2. Season conservatively and taste. By that I mean start with a small pinch of salt, combine thoroughly with the corn and taste. If that's not enough, add another, combine and taste. Go very easy on the salt. For this batch, I used two small pinches of kosher salt (for a net product of approximately 2 cups of unbaked corn - it was perfect. The same goes for the pepper.

    3. The butter that you use to top it should be unsalted, chilled and cut into tiny cubes - this helps cut down on the amount of butter in the dish. I used 1 teaspoon for each of the ramekins pictured, below. Using less butter has no negative impact on this dish.

    Another thing that's very important is that you need a minimum depth of two- and up to three (-ish)  inches of unbaked product in whatever container you use to cook the corn. You need to bake it long enough to get at least a little brown, but not so long that it dries out. It's  more important that the corn pudding is moist than completely browned on top. I started checking these after 25 minutes and ultimately baked them for 35 minutes. There should be some liquid bubbling around the outside and the middle should be moist, but not runny.

    The ramekins pictured below are 1 cup (8 fl. oz), with a depth of 2" at the inside rim.

    On the left, about 1 teaspoon small dice of chilled butter scattered over the surface. You could use more butter I guess, but I think too much butter detracts from the corn flavor. I placed the ramekins on a baking sheet. If you are making a larger quantity and use a single oven-proof container, there's no need for the baking sheet.
    Recipe: Corn Pudding (v2)
    Serves 4 as a side - multiply at will to serve more.

    • 4 large ears of corn (7-9 inches long), husks and silk removed. Trim off 1/4-1/2 inch at the tip and remove about the same at the stalk end.

    • 2 teaspoons well-chilled, unsalted butter + a little to grease the baking dish

    • kosher salt (if using table salt and/or salted butter, use a smaller pinch when seasoning)

    • fresh ground pepper

    •  Oven-proof baking dish. The dish should be sized so that there is a depth of at least 2" of corn and up to 3" (ish). If using ramekins, place them on a baking sheet before putting them in the oven.

    • Box grater (or corn creamer) and a large container over which you'll grate the ears. I generally do it over a flexible cutting mat and slide the grated corn (after grating each half ear) into a mixing bowl. 

    • Sharp knife for removing the kernels from one ear and cutting the ears in half, lengthwise

    • Pre-heat the oven to 400 F, rack in the middle.

    • Lightly grease the inside of the baking dish with butter

    • Cut 3 of the prepared ears of corn (see above) in half, lengthwise. Slice the kernels off of the fourth ear into a bowl. When the kernels are removed, grate any remaining bits of corn and liquid into the bowl.

    • Grate the remaining corn into the bowl.

    • Season the mixture with 1 small pinch of salt. Combine well and taste. Continue to season (conservatively) and taste until you are satisfied. A little goes a long way, here.

    • Season the mixture with a few grinds of black pepper and taste. Continue to season (conservatively) and taste until you are satisfied.

    • Pour the mixture into the prepare baking dish. If you are using ramekins, make sure that the mixture is combined well as the liquids separate very quickly from the corn solids.

    • Remove the chilled butter from the freezer and cut off a 2-teaspoon slice. This isn't brain surgery so a little more won't hurt. Cut it into a small dice and distribute evenly over the top of the corn mixture.

    • Dust the top with a little bit more fresh-ground pepper and place the baking dish in the oven. If you are using ramekins, place them on a baking sheet first.

    • Check the corn after 25 minutes and thereafter every 5 minutes. There should be some liquid bubbling around the edges and the center should be moist but not runny.

    • Let it rest for few minutes, then serve.

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    Swiss chard and strawberry spinach smoothie

    I have rarely posted to beetsuite this summer, being occupied with gardening and garden construction. This chard smoothie is a sample of the results of my hard labour.

    Swiss chard
    Strawberry spinach

                                                Yield: 1 cup, approximately

    6 fresh chard leaves with stems, each leaf about the size of your palm
    1 handful fresh strawberry spinach stems
    6 stems fresh mint
    1 Kiwi fruit
    ¼ cup aloe vera juice
    1 teaspoon extra-virgin olive oil

    1. Pick chard, spinach and mint fresh from your garden. Clean the garden produce by washing  outdoors in fresh water, thus leaving any livestock, such as ants and spiders, outside to continue their work.

    2.  Slice or tear chard leaves and stems into 5 c. (2 in.) chunks and place them in a blender.

    3. Remove leaves and seed balls from strawberry spinach. Add them to the blender. Discard stems.

    4. Remove leaves from mint stems. Discard stems. Place leaves in blender.

    5. Peel Kiwi fruit. Slice into rounds and add to blender.

    6. Add aloe vera juice and olive oil. Blend on 'High' until the ingredients are pureed.

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    Stuffed Zucchini Boats ♥ Quick Technique Tip

    Stuffed Zucchini Boats
    Today's summery recipe: On-hand vegetables stuffed into summer squash, topped with a little cheese, then devoured for breakfast or a side dish or a vegetarian main dish. There's a quick trick to zucchini boats: a few minutes in the microwave!

    So maybe it's just me but isn't there a dirty little secret about zucchini boats? The stuffings are nearly always delicious (cheese, anyone?) but the boats themselves, the zucchini (or in this case that zucchini summer-squash cousin called the "yellow squash" or the "crookneck squash") is either undercooked and tasteless or overcooked and watery, in either case unappetizing. So here – with just one quick and easy step – the zucchini boats become more than mere vessels, they actually taste good!

    The trick? So easy, you'll be whacking yourself on the forehead, "I shoulda thoughta that."

    HERE'S ALL IT TAKES Before stuffing, just cook the zucchini in the microwave for a few minutes. The added benefit? It's easier to scoop out the zucchini innards too.
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