

Easy Make-Ahead Endive & Apple Salad ♥ Recipe

Easy Make-Ahead Endive & Apple Salad with Curry Vinaigrette by A Veggie Venture
graphic button small size size 10 Today's winter salad recipe: Just sliced endive and apple tossed in a quick curry vinaigrette. Make-ahead for holiday buffets or potluck gatherings, adding welcome freshness and a bit of "crunch" to rich food. graphic button small size size 10

Note #1: The Saturday before Thanksgiving is grand timing for a party! We were feeling all geared up and festive but it was too soon to start cooking for Thanksgiving and way too soon to be (over)planning Christmas gatherings. So that night, four couples gathered for an "Alsatian Harvest Feast" – and did we ever feast! The meal was seven courses over five hours, each course better than the next. A charcuterie platter with two kinds of hand-made Alsatian sausage. Swiss and French raclette, warmed til melty on the stove in a small cast iron serving piece like this one. (I love it!) Chicken liver pate. Excellent homemade bread! Warm onion soup. A tiny serving of yogurt sorbet as a palate cleanser, topped with a spoonful of Schnapps! A stunning crown roast with homemade fresh sauerkraut. Alsatian white beans simmered in white wine. (That recipe you'll see soon!) This Endive & Apple Salad. An amazing cheese course, all from artisanal Wisconsin cheese producers. A wedge of a crispy pear tart with a smear of pear butter and whipped cream. Was that seven courses? Forgive me if I lost track.

Note #2: A completely make-ahead salad is a blessing! I mixed the dressing in the morning, then dressed the endive and apples in early afternoon, then put it aside to chill. It was good the first day, even better the second so I could have made the salad the day before! The mix of bitter greens (What Are Bitter Greens?) and sweet apple is a great combination and a welcome "simple salad" amid rich food. It would be great for a holiday buffet, a take-along potluck, etc. And yes, do make it ahead!
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Turchetta: Turkey Breast Prepared in the Style of Porchetta

Hands-down, the best turkey breast I've ever had.
This recipe takes work, but once you've prepared the roast you stick it in the refrigerator for a couple of days and the final roasting is a breeze.

My cooking co-captain and I start talking about and thinking about what we want to cook for Thanksgiving at least as early as September. This year we decided to change-up a few things: 1. Instead of cooking a whole turkey we were going to do a turkey breast on the rotisserie and make a small-ish Porchetta. A couple of years ago we found Judy Roger's genius recipe for "Mock Porchetta" and make it at least three or four times a year. 2. We decided to 'go simple' as far as sides go: gravy (yes, on Thanksgiving that can be considered a side), mashed potatoes, stuffing, cranberries and a salad. 3. We would prepare everything except for cooking the meat and making the salad on Wednesday.

Then I sent her an instant message. I found this on the Serious Eats site and thought that it was cool and that we should consider this for the next Thanksgiving. Truly, my intent was not to go rogue and try and change 'The Plan'.

A little later, I received  an email:

Subject: Oh kaaayyy.

You just had to throw a monkey wrench in our works. I want to make that Turchetta but we can't make a porchetta too.

It just looks too good to pass up. We should do it. Sometime in February we can rotisserie a turkey breast but let's make the damn Turchetta....oh you just had to go looking for recipes.

...and so, we did. Here's to monkey wrenches!

Here is a link to the Serious Eats article, The Food Lab: How to Make a Turkey Porchetta by J. Kenji López-Alt. There is also a slide show link and a link for the recipe. I'm not going to post the recipe here because we did not adapt it beyond a few changes, and have additional notes on what we will and will not do the next time (see NOTES, below), and there will definitely be a next time - it was delicious.
Browning the Turchetta
  1. Changes to the spice and herb mix: we added the zest of 1 lemon, making the mixture identical to the one we use for Porchetta.
  2. Other
    • We made gravy, instead of a jus and used a different method to make the stock.
  3. What we will change the next time:
    • Stick with the turkey breast size called for in the recipe. We had a larger (2 times larger than the size called for) breast because we were worried about having enough leftovers for sandwiches (5 diners), and we had extra meat that was too much to roll up and fit. We ended up using much less of the breast meat and there are no problems with the leftovers for sandwiches. We probably ended up with a little more meat used in the roll than was called for in the recipe. If I had to feed a larger crowd, I'd make two (as the recipe suggests). Once you're done preparing it (or them) they can (and should) sit in the refrigerator for two days and two would still take up less room than a whole turkey.
    • After you've separated the meat from the skin. Chill thme both down for 30 min in the refrigerator. It will be easier to trim the fat pockets from the skin and to handle the meat. 
    • Tying up the roast: After putting on the roasting bands (very useful - and re-usable - in many applications), we realized that we should have tied it up, as shown in the recipe, with butcher's twine. We did, before roasting, add butcher's twine along the length of the roast but next time it will be all butcher's twine.
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Pioneer Woman’s Broccoli Wild Rice Casserole ♥

Pioneer Woman's Broccoli Wild Rice Casserole from A Veggie Venture.
Today's Thanksgiving casserole recipe: A hearty casserole, layers of nutty wild rice and crisp broccoli held together with a gorgeous Mushroom Cream Sauce that's packed with vegetables, including the broccoli stalks. No cheese!

So once upon a time, Ree Drummond aka The Pioneer Woman was just another blogger / food blogger. But back in 2008 I guess it was, maybe 2007, I was part of a food-blog panel at the annual BlogHer conference. During the Q&A, Ree stood to ask a question and the entire room audibly gasped – gasped! – realizing that Pioneer Woman was in the room. A year or two later, we were back at BlogHer and in the hotel lobby, I introduced myself: Ree was kind to say with a grin, "Of course I remember you, Alanna ..." Now of course, Ree Drummond is a genuine celebrity and The Pioneer Woman has spun off three cookbooks, a show on the Food Network, maybe an upcoming movie too? and legions of fans. Fame and fortune are great but some times I wonder, really, if Ree likes her life better now than before or if it's just a wave she rides, like the rest of us if on another scale, gathering resources to put kids and grandkids through school.

Ree's latest cookbook is my favorite of three so far, Pioneer Woman Cooks: A Year of Holidays. It's organized by holiday, New Years, Valentines, etc. and feels personal, intimate and imperceptibly but charmingly imperfect, the way all our holiday gatherings are fraught with things-gone-wrong. I've bookmarked a dozen recipes but given the season, started with Thanksgiving. We plan to try her brine for a Thanksgiving turkey (doesn't every family cook four turkeys? yikes) but it was the wild rice and broccoli casserole which grabbed me first.
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Home of a Gluten-free diet

When we had to go with our diet without gluten and wheat-free, we find that it is a great trip. Takes time to learn without how-to go gluten, as well as buy, how to prepare the food and what you can and cannot eat.

A documentation of our journey towards a more healthy life, gluten-free form.

Recently, we have been able to finally determine one of the things that has been causing problems of stomach Denis, allergy symptoms and other health problems. The food that you eat is much less than the food it can't.

All these challenges began 20 years ago. Shortly after we returned from living in Germany for several years, began to have a nominal amount of hypersensitivity to food and alcohol. As the years later, he accumulated more allergies.

Every three years or less, had an allergy test done, and each time the list was a little more. Your allergies consist of both food and environment.

There was no help, they didn't have any real adice. It not could go avoiding more and more of life, along with the pleasures of life. The time that we did something, so we began to investigate possible reasons, and exactly how put an end to the growing list of allergies.The things we learn from our bases was very deep.

We have a book called wheat of the belly. The more enter in that book, the more we found account of how and why he had been experiencing all of these problems.

What we found is: * wheat is in everything we eat. * our current wheat, GM is not healthy for us. * How is wheat a concern for our system. * eat so much wheat we do has undesirable effects in the long run. * why and the way in which we should be eating wheat free.

Approximately five months from the time that we started our trip to eat healthfully, Denis began to truly recognizing that it was starting to feel much better that I had in years. We observed that we were losing inches about half - also reduces the stomach fat.

Although many stomach problems I have, I have taken a decision to support the Denis decisions also reducing wheat. Although I'm more slowly than it is making the adjustments, I also noticed several changes in me. This has made me more motivated to become more focused on getting free wheat.

Months later, in addition to a cross-Canada tour.

Throughout our journey, we have a little lazy with keep abreast with our eating plan, and it showed in how we feel when we have to our destination. When we came here, we thought it was the perfect time to return to our normal eating plan.

We have recovered to the basics - elimination of wheat from the diet once more.

At this stage in our learning, we discovered another potential problem and respond by Denis. We learn that he has all the symptoms of being gluten intolerant. So we began a journey further - to eliminate gluten from the diet

Since we have gone free and free from wheat gluten, the visible difference in how it looks and feels it is just amazing.The best news is the fact that feels fantastic. Your system is winning the battle, and is healing.

I see a change with me as they are now. I never imagined that it had some difficulty with wheat or grains, however, now that I am aware of what consumption really ntoice a heaviness and sometimes get indigestion after I have something that contains wheat.

Our bodies are slowly adjustingto a much better method of eating.

Eating gluten-free

It is impossible for any individual find out if they can be truly gluten intolerant that eliminate gluten from your diet and then determine whether or not to make them feel better. Denis did just that and began to feel fantastic, it was more than enough to fully validate our diagnosis.

We're still learning. The approach to be completely and absolutely wheat and gluten-free is gradual. We have had to adapt our shopping, the preparation of our food and our routine of eating.

The good news is that there are a lot of suggestions and excellent gluten-free recipes to meet.

For the moment, we are concentrating the breakfast, lunch and dinner dishes. Luckily for us we don't care to bake, so you can easily stop them until we are much more settled in the new regime of food.

There is no need for you may suffer indigestion or a stomach. The problem is often due to intolerance to certain foods. It is a common problem, and is becoming more and more people every day.
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How many flavors of frozen Yogurt have you tried recently?

Many of you will not be able to remember a time when they were the unique ice cream flavors that were available in the places most vanilla, chocolate or the flavors strawberry. Anything else was still a few years and when they got new flavors already believed to be exotic and strange. This is not the case with yogurt and yogurt UK shops sell a wide range of flavors of frozen yogurt.

The franchise of frozen yogurt that we visit regularly has machines that dispense 8 flavors of yogurt frozen in time but the good thing is that these flavors are changing on a regular basis. This means that one week you can try a taste and then the next time you go there will be new flavors to try. In this way can an idea of what you like and then follow with them when they are available. Let us not forget the way that you can mix and match the different flavors in new and exciting combinations. In this way, you can get even more tasty variations.

Then consider the form in which you can add as many different ingredients each time and you will find that you are really a whimsical for the option. Since I have already visited the place a few times I've tried frozen yogurt at least 15 different flavors and I now know exactly what I like. My favorite at the moment is three parts yogurt frozen blueberries and part BlackBerry frozen yogurt topped with a PEAR half and crunchy candy. It is a delightful that I like to enjoy every couple of weeks and while I am aware of the fact that there are a lot of calories in this dessert is nothing.

This is where lies the problem, the fact that many people see frozen yogurt as an alternative more sound to many other types of desserts. If it is true that there is less fat, often without fat in frozen yogurt, this does not mean that there are no calories or that it is healthy. The rule to follow is like an ice cream and have the same amount that you would if you were watching the calories. There are so many ways to enjoy yogurt and one of the latest is frozen yogurt bars.

These frozen yogurt bars are packaged and sold in the same icy road is presented. You have many different flavors to choose from and some of them are covered with chocolate. Although you have the option of standard bars frozen yogurt and frozen yogurt flavors, there are also versions of organic and low sugar. This means that you can now enjoy a dessert that is tasty, low fat, comes in many flavors and combinations, and is also available in most shops and restaurants.

Weston reviews flavors of frozen Yogurt and it says that you as a regular yogurt, yogurt can be a healthy accompaniment to a meal and is very good for your health.
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El cerebro humano tiene hambre de espinacas

Be a vegetarian, surfing internet research that often replaces meat and egg in several vegan or web sites, such as The Flaming vegan, Soni Yummly and Delicious food to live, prepare healthy meals looking for tasty but nutritious recipes vegetarian and vegan. I've compiled a long list of recipes vegan, I'm anxious to try. But today, my focus is on the importance of eating spinach. Earlier this week, in the Show's Jeff Probst, actress Lucy Lui expressed concern about his father losing his memory. He spoke of major issues with memory and its interest in helping his father. In addition to retirees, others need to improve his memory, so good, but for various reasons, such as students stressed, addicted to work, actors and people giving speeches.

Spinach is known to improve the mechanics of the brain, which includes focus, performance and capabilities of collection. This green leafy vegetable contains folic acid, vitamins B and L-tyrosine. Folate tends to protect the ratings of the brain of any inflammation by reducing the inflammation. Steamed spinach has enough folic acid and vitamin B6 that allows the nervous system and brain to work cells. B vitamins can prevent anemia as well as they are necessary for the health of the heart, skin, gastrointestinal tract, and central nervous system. These B vitamins are also important to build and maintain the body's tissues. L-Tyrosine improves people's minds in order to help them focus better.

Therefore, it is important to add spinach in meals. Consider a glass of eight ounces of green juice pure for breakfast with a multivitamin, as well as a bowl of hot oatmeal cereal. For lunch, consider a cup of steamed spinach, as well as a cup of soy milk and fruit. For dinner, consider a cup of spinach cooked with some brown or rice bastami. A colorful salad of spinach, tomatoes, peppers, almonds, garlic, lemon juice and tofu or cheese makes life sound and food, as well as filling. This leafy vegetable is perfect for anyone who wants to improve your memory, concentration, concentration and productivity. Workaholics, students and retired people will benefit more from this vegetable because they desperately need to improve the functioning of your brain capabilities.

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The human brain is hungry for some SpinachNot yet rated

Fifi Leigh has published 3 articles. Article submitted on February 06, 2013. Word count: 359

Eggs are an ideal natural human food, but to eat, also must pay attention to science.

Written by: Joyce Wang

They include some colorful carrots in your healthy eating plan. They are not only highly nutritious and low in calories, but they also add a hot spark of color for lunch or dinner.

Written by: Virginia Butters

If it is large or small, round or long, red, green, yellow, black, or everything in between, beans are a food go for a healthy diet.

Written by: RA Butters

As for feeding a family, nothing is more vital than healthy eating for children. Foods that have tons of vitamin of great power, as well as being tasty is ideal for many meals of the children. Children who need food that can get as many good things can not eat a lot of oils or trans fats.

Written by: George Roy

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Butternut Squash Lasagna ♥ Recipe with "Butternut Bechamel" and Roasted Butternut Squash

graphic button small size size 10 Today's Thanksgiving vegetable recipe, the first of 2013: Lasagna made with butternut squash, just three layers to save calories but packed with naturally creamy, naturally sweet butternut squash: roasted and puréed for a gorgeous "Butternut Bechamel" that envelops the lasagna noodles and roasted in cubes to stud the lasagna layers with bursts of flavor and texture. graphic button small size size 10

So hello, November, so glad to see your golden light, knowing that the next few weeks will be extra-busy and how easy it might be to simply fail to notice. I pledge: I shall notice, I shall appreciate, I shall remember.

It's a November tradition here at A Veggie Venture: a focus fascination obsession spotlight on Thanksgiving recipes, a dedication to the many ways – many tradition, some creative, all fabulous – to cook Thanksgiving's favorite vegetables, all collected in a single place, Favorite Recipes for Thanksgiving's Favorite Vegetables. Talk about a reason for celebration! Who needs turkey anyway? (Apparently, we do, this year we'll again cook four turkeys plus two hams. Yikes.)

To kick off November's new Thanksgiving-perfect recipes, here is a vegetarian lasagna recipe made with fall's favorite, the butternut squash. Two things make this lasagna special, a definite show-stopper:

graphic button small size size 10 An oh-so-gorgeous "Butternut Bechamel" – but please, don't be put off by the fancy name, because it's nothing more than a simple white sauce mixed with first roasted and then puréed butternut squash.
graphic button small size size 10 Cubes of roasted butternut squash throughout the lasagna, adding much-welcome texture contrast and bursts of squash flavor.

In fact, honestly, now that I think back, next time I will roast two squashes to make the lasagna even more "squash-y" versus "noodle-y". I would leave everything else the same, the Butternut Bechamel would just be thicker and more squash-y. Turns out, that's actually a very "efficient" choice Weight Watchers points-wise, too, double the squash for only one more point. Sold!
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