

Home of a Gluten-free diet

When we had to go with our diet without gluten and wheat-free, we find that it is a great trip. Takes time to learn without how-to go gluten, as well as buy, how to prepare the food and what you can and cannot eat.

A documentation of our journey towards a more healthy life, gluten-free form.

Recently, we have been able to finally determine one of the things that has been causing problems of stomach Denis, allergy symptoms and other health problems. The food that you eat is much less than the food it can't.

All these challenges began 20 years ago. Shortly after we returned from living in Germany for several years, began to have a nominal amount of hypersensitivity to food and alcohol. As the years later, he accumulated more allergies.

Every three years or less, had an allergy test done, and each time the list was a little more. Your allergies consist of both food and environment.

There was no help, they didn't have any real adice. It not could go avoiding more and more of life, along with the pleasures of life. The time that we did something, so we began to investigate possible reasons, and exactly how put an end to the growing list of allergies.The things we learn from our bases was very deep.

We have a book called wheat of the belly. The more enter in that book, the more we found account of how and why he had been experiencing all of these problems.

What we found is: * wheat is in everything we eat. * our current wheat, GM is not healthy for us. * How is wheat a concern for our system. * eat so much wheat we do has undesirable effects in the long run. * why and the way in which we should be eating wheat free.

Approximately five months from the time that we started our trip to eat healthfully, Denis began to truly recognizing that it was starting to feel much better that I had in years. We observed that we were losing inches about half - also reduces the stomach fat.

Although many stomach problems I have, I have taken a decision to support the Denis decisions also reducing wheat. Although I'm more slowly than it is making the adjustments, I also noticed several changes in me. This has made me more motivated to become more focused on getting free wheat.

Months later, in addition to a cross-Canada tour.

Throughout our journey, we have a little lazy with keep abreast with our eating plan, and it showed in how we feel when we have to our destination. When we came here, we thought it was the perfect time to return to our normal eating plan.

We have recovered to the basics - elimination of wheat from the diet once more.

At this stage in our learning, we discovered another potential problem and respond by Denis. We learn that he has all the symptoms of being gluten intolerant. So we began a journey further - to eliminate gluten from the diet

Since we have gone free and free from wheat gluten, the visible difference in how it looks and feels it is just amazing.The best news is the fact that feels fantastic. Your system is winning the battle, and is healing.

I see a change with me as they are now. I never imagined that it had some difficulty with wheat or grains, however, now that I am aware of what consumption really ntoice a heaviness and sometimes get indigestion after I have something that contains wheat.

Our bodies are slowly adjustingto a much better method of eating.

Eating gluten-free

It is impossible for any individual find out if they can be truly gluten intolerant that eliminate gluten from your diet and then determine whether or not to make them feel better. Denis did just that and began to feel fantastic, it was more than enough to fully validate our diagnosis.

We're still learning. The approach to be completely and absolutely wheat and gluten-free is gradual. We have had to adapt our shopping, the preparation of our food and our routine of eating.

The good news is that there are a lot of suggestions and excellent gluten-free recipes to meet.

For the moment, we are concentrating the breakfast, lunch and dinner dishes. Luckily for us we don't care to bake, so you can easily stop them until we are much more settled in the new regime of food.

There is no need for you may suffer indigestion or a stomach. The problem is often due to intolerance to certain foods. It is a common problem, and is becoming more and more people every day.

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