

Free Icon for Bloggers: Fresh from the Farmers Market

A quick way to identify farmers market finds, here in 400pxTwo or three or more times a week, I trek to the farmers market. Here in St. Louis, that means any one of my favorite farmers markets.

To encourage all of us to seek out fresh produce from our hometown farmers markets, I commissioned an icon to help showcase fresh vegetables and fruits -- Meet Blush, the Sweet Tomato! -- and invite my fellow bloggers to adopt the icon, too.

[Many thanks to the talented Jeannette of Matchbox Creative aka Kickpleat from Everybody Likes Sandwiches for designing the icon. We all should blush as prettily as Blush!]

Here in 125pxSo yes, fellow bloggers, you are invited to use the icon in posts and places that feature fresh produce and other farmers market finds. Use it once, use it a hundred times, it's up to you.

It comes in a 400px, 125px and 100px sizes. You're free to use the icon as you see fit: in posts, in a sidebar, to link to a list of your own favorite farmers markets, anything creative you come up with that's related to farmers markets. Me, I plan to insert the icon into my Blogger template so that it's easy to add to every post when featuring farmers market vegetables.

"Blush the Sweet Tomato" icon is my gift to the food blog community, so it is "free" for all bloggers to use. But when you use the icon for the first time, I would appreciate your linking to A Veggie Venture. If you're not a blogger and are interested in the icon, please contact me to request permission. (Once you're using the icon, if you'd like others to know, feel free to leave a comment with a link to your blog, below. Use this code, {a href="InsertYourBlogURLHere"}InsertYourBlogNameHere{/a}, replacing the { and } with <>. )

COPY INSTRUCTIONS To copy the icon to use on your own site, (1) right click an icon image in the size you'd like to use, (2) click Save As to save the image on your own computer, (3) then upload to your site as normal. No hot linking, please!

VEGETABLE HUMOR Why did the tomato blush? Because she saw the salad dressing. (A friend sent this, I couldn't resist!)

MANY THANKS to Elise, Kalyn and Nupur for acting as 'icon consultants'!

FROM THE ARCHIVES See the Recipe Box for the Alphabet of Vegetables, an A - Z of inspiration of ways to your farmers market finds!

NEVER MISS A RECIPE! Just enter your e-mail address in the box in the sidebar. Once you do, new recipes will be delivered, automatically, straight to your e-mail In Box.


Here in 100px
Hands-on time: 5 minutes
Time to table: 5 minutes
Serves 4

And for readers of A Veggie Venture, when you see the icon in future posts, you'll be reminded of the beautiful vegetables and fruits and other farm products that we're lucky to find at farmers markets.

A Veggie Venture is home of the Veggie Evangelist Alanna Kellogg and vegetable inspiration from Asparagus to Zucchini. © Copyright 2007

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