

Lemon Mint Cucumber Water ♥

Refreshing drink, a switch from 'just water, please'One of the basic tenets of Weight Watchers is to make sure to get enough to drink. So I make it a habit when I take a five-minute move-a-bit break every hour or so, to drink a glass of water. The tap water here is good so there's no need to 'doctor' it except for a little variation. And I'm liking this water -- just slices of lemon and cucumber and mint -- but some times, just cucumber too.

FROM THE ARCHIVES Drinks are rare here -- we need to fix that! My favorite is the cucumber lemonade served when Nupur of One Hot Stove and her husband visited for the first time while on a house-hunting trip. There are piles of cucumber recipes in the Recipe Box.

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Hands-on time: 5 minutes
Time to table: 5 minutes (flavor deepens over time, of course)
Serves thirsty souls!

1/4 a cucumber, sliced thin
a lemon, sliced thin
sprigs of mint
2 quarts water

Add cucumber, lemon and mint in a pitcher. Fill with water. Enjoy!

A Veggie Venture is home of the Veggie Evangelist Alanna Kellogg and vegetable inspiration from Asparagus to Zucchini. © Copyright 2007

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