

"Wonderful" Glazed Turnips & Carrots ♥

BFFs think glazed turnips are wonderful!Today's Vegetable Recipe: Glazed winter root vegetables. Cubes of turnip and carrot in a slightly sweet glaze.

Imagine a pair of seven-year olds (they're BFFs, for the uninitiated, that's Best Friends Forever) willing to spear still-cooking turnips and carrots straight from the skillet, flash big smiles and pronounce them "good", and then, after another bite exclaim, "These are wonderful."

No deception here, I snapped a quick photo and sent the girls home with a container for supper.

But I was sorry to see it go! These cubes of turnip and carrot are really good, slightly but not too sweet with brown sugar, slightly but not too bright with lemon. I will totally do these again, they're already on the menu for over Christmas. And the color is so festive, completely unusual for turnips.

MY FRIG, THE ROOT CELLAR If there's ever a reason to stock up on turnips, it's that they keep for weeks. The ones I cooked here had been buried in the vegetable bin in the frig for seven weeks. They were still firm and smooth and in great shape.

UPDATE I made these a second time, this time with turnips, golden carrots and celeriac to serve with ham for our Christmas Dinner. They were just as delicious but I missed the strong color contrast between the white turnips and bright orange carrots.

~ Creamed Turnips ~
~ Mashed Turnip & Apple ~
~ more turnip recipes ~

~ Butter-Simmered Carrots ~
~ Mashed Potatoes & Carrots ~
~ more carrot recipes ~

~ one year ago this week Lemony Creamy Brussels Sprouts & Celery ~

MAKE IT A MEAL Somehow I see this with pork, perhaps the big hit in my Canadian family, Tropical Pork Tenderloin.


Hands-on time: 10 minutes up-front, then occasional attention until done
Time to table: about 30 minutes
Serves 4

1 1/2 tablespoons butter

1 pound white turnips (don't use rutabagas, says the inspiring recipe), trimmed, peeled, cut in 3/4" cubes
2 large carrots, trimmed, peeled, the fatter end sliced in half lengthwise, then cut in 1/2-inch thick slices on the diagonal

2/3 cup chicken broth
1 1/2 tablespoons brown sugar
1/2 teaspoon table salt (I left this out because the broth was salty)
1/8 teaspoon black pepper (I forgot this)
1 teaspoon fresh thyme leaves (I had none)
1 teaspoon lemon zest (don't skip this)

Squeeze of lemon juice (just a teaspoon)

In a large nonstick skillet with a cover, melt the butter on MEDIUM HIGH. When it's melted, swirl to coat. (If you start this while prepping the vegetables like I do, I'd recommend melting the butter on MEDIUM, so you don't brown and then scorch the butter like I did. Turn down the heat til you're ready, then turn to medium high.) Add the turnips and carrots in an even layer, stirring to coat, then let cook undisturbed for 4 minutes. Stir again, let cook another 4 minutes. Add the broth, brown sugar, salt, pepper, thyme and lemon zest (I prepped these while the veggies were cooking) and stir to coat. Cover, reduce heat to MEDIUM LOW (I left on MEDIUM HIGH) and simmer until vegetables are just tender, about 8 minutes. Uncover and increase heat to HIGH, let cook, stirring frequently until liquid cooks down to a glaze, this took a few minutes. Stir in lemon juice and serve immediately.

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Eat more vegetables! A Veggie Venture is the home of Veggie Evangelist Alanna Kellogg and is the award-winning source of free vegetable recipes, quick, easy, and yes, delicious. Start with the Alphabet of Vegetables or dive into all the Weight Watchers vegetable recipes or all the low carb vegetable recipes. © Copyright 2007

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