

Greek Zucchini Pie ♥ Recipe

Today's vegetarian recipe: A Greek recipe for Kourkouto with Zucchini (κουρκούτo με κολοκυθάκια), not quite quiche, not quite bread pudding, not quite frittata, served hot or at room temperature so good for brunch or light supper.

Kalofagas means 'gourmet' in Greek and it's the perfect name for the Canadian food blog which celebrates -- make that CELEBRATES! -- traditional Greek food. Kalofagas is a not-to-miss food blog. Peter Minakis lives and breathes Greek cuisine / home cooking in the way some (who?!) live and breathe vegetables. When he described this recipe for a zucchini pie as a "cheater's pita" and "somewhere between a quiche and a frittata, utilizing Greek ingredients" I couldn't wait to make it. (True confession: while this same affect occurs many times a day, perhaps one of a hundred recipes actually get made.)

My own take is that it's as much a bread pudding, especially when baked in a pie plate versus a larger sheet pan. It's also similar to a humble but delicious Bisquick pie such as the Ham & Cheese Bread from my long-time friend Lisa (and now Portland food blogger) which I've made at least once before. Whatever it's like, I love how this zucchini pie uses pantry ingredients and can be served either hot (when it's more quiche-like) or cold (when it's more like bread pudding) and thick (more quiche-like) or thin (more frittata-like). Thank you, Peter, for the inspiration!

GARNISHING THE PIE I covered the top of the pie with rings of mini red peppers and tiny zucchini rounds, adding color and drama to the uncut pie. Peter uses one zucchini round per square serving, which looks really good on the plate. The next time, I'll combine the two ideas with a ring of peppers and zucchini around the edge of a round pie plate, one for each V-shaped slice.


Hands-on time: 40 minutes
Time to table: 1 hour, 40 minutes
Makes 8 main-dish servings
Adapted from Kalofagas' Kourkouto With Zucchini (κουρκούτo με κολοκυθάκια)

1 tablespoon olive oil (Peter uses 1/2 cup)
1 pound zucchini (Peter dices small, I slice thin, imagining layers of zucchini in the bread after baking, this didn't turn out so dicing would be easier and just fine)
3 bunches green onion, chopped (aha! I used only 3 green onions, not three bunches, more onion is much recommended)
Salt to taste (I used none, some would have been good)

5 eggs
1 cup Greek yogurt (Peter strained, I used it as is)
1 cup all-purpose flour
2 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon regular salt

4 ounces feta, crumbled
4 ounces Kasseri, cubed or grated (see Kitchen Notes)
1 cup fresh dill, chopped (I used only 1/2 cup, another herb would be good but do use fresh)
Ground pepper to taste

Zucchini rounds (for the top)
Mini pepper rounds
Sweet paprika

Preheat oven to 350F.

In a large skillet, heat the oil til shimmery. Add the zucchini and green onion, cook, stirring often, until cooked nearly through.

In a large bowl, whisk the eggs for a couple of minutes until light and fluffy. Whisk in the yogurt and then the flour, baking powder and salt. Stir in the cooked zucchini, cheese and dill.

Transfer to a well-greased baking pie plate. (Peter uses a 15x10 baking sheet with 12 servings.) Garnish the top with zucchini rounds and pepper rings. If you like, sprinkle zucchini rounds with paprika. Bake for 1 hour or until golden. Let rest for 15 minutes before slicing to serve. May be served warm or at room temperature.

I originally intended to use 2x the zucchini but ended up short. The amount of 'bread' would easily handle a full two pounds of zucchini.
Some weeks back, Peter taught me to always buy feta in a block rather than as 'crumbles' -- I recommend it!
Kasseri is a mild Greek cheese with its own particular tang. I found it at an international market (for St. Louisans, at Global Foods in Kirkwood for $7 a pound) but a mild white cheddar or mozzarella would work just as well.

~ Tomato Basil Quiche, my favorite quiche summer and winter ~
~ Spinach & Feta Quiche, another beautiful quiche ~
~ Roasted Pepper & Cheddar Soufflés ~

~ more breakfast & brunch recipes ~
~ more vegetarian supper recipes ~

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