

So Much To Do - So Little Time!

I'm a teacher, and school started 2 weeks ago. To put it bluntly, I feel like I got hit by a truck! Teaching is fun, but it can be such an exhausting job physically and mentally. I slept 12 hours last night. The last time I did that was probably was about a year ago - when school started for the year. :)

As I got into bed (after my nap) last night, I decided to flip through the pages of my brand new Food and Wine that arrived in the mail yesterday. I love Food and Wine.

Well, this month's issue was a real good one.

Each time I go through a food magazine I go through and flag the recipes I want to make. Usually there are maybe three to four recipes that I long to make. But this month was overwhelming with greatness.

I'm in such a pickle! There were eight this month that I just wish I had the time to make - along with the twenty or so that got backlogged throughout the summer.

Some look very do-able, even on my tight schedule. Some aren't.

First, there's a nice, probably not time-consuming scallop recipe from Stephanie Izard, winner of last season's Top Chef. It's on a bed of greens with bacon in it. She shares her secret to browning the scallops. I can't wait to try it!

There's a fritatta recipe that I just know I will make when my department feeds all the teachers for our monthly breakfasts. It's got mustard greens and sweet onions. I just love sweet onions.

The Chicken Tikka looks like something I can accomplish. It's an Indian recipe. They offer easier to find ingredients, but let you know what they are replacing in true Indian cooking. I really haven't done any Indian cooking, and I'd like to expand my horizons in that direction.

Another featured Indian recipe that I'm just dying to try out is the Creamy Indian Spiced Halibut Curry. Wow, that's right up my alley. I'm going to go all out when I make it and use the whole milk and all the cream. Honest!

One of my favorite foods it goat cheese. I did a post on a local producer in my area, so I can practically drive down the road and get it any time. Food and Wine has two fabulous recipes with goat cheese this month. There's delectable-looking little stuffed mushrooms and Creamy Pasta with Tomato Confit and Fresh Goat Cheese. Yum!

There's Sauvignon Blanc-Steamed Mussels, Chicken with White Wine and Creme Fraiche, and a Raisin-Studded Apple Bread Pudding too.

And the one that I most want to make, but the least likely that I will (I'm giving myself a challenge here) is the Apple Tart with Almond Cream. OMG! That looks so wonderful.

Is that just eight recipes? Nope, it's ten. Ugh!

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