

Best Pound Cake Ever!

I have to thank another blogger for this one. Thank you, Kim Morgan Moss at
A Yankee in a Southern Kitchen for this most scrumptious, moist, and impressive recipe.

I came upon her blog while browsing through all the fabulous food porn at Food Gawker. This is one of my favorite sites on the Internet and I can spend oodles of time there, drooling at the photos posted by my fellow bloggers.

Should you visit either of these two sites, you'll see her photos. I'll be the first to admit that I was unable to make mine look as elegant as hers. But the recipe was the best!

As for my experience, I chose the bundt pan option. But I'll admit that were I to do it again, I think I'd go for a parchment-lined springform pan. I had some problems when it came to getting the cake out of my pan.

But, then again, the cake was so moist, I just patched it back together! A little icing covered it up quite nicely.

My family, for better or worse, doesn't care so much about how a cake looks, so my flawed presentation was just fine! And nothing could destroy the deliciousness of a good recipe.

I recommend this one with a big cake-eating grin.

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