

Twelve Favorite Tomato Recipes

Favorite Tomato Recipes
My twelve favorite tomato recipes, a perfect dozen selected especially for the last few weeks of the very best summer tomatoes.

Never take a good tomato for granted. That's the lesson folks out east learned in 2009 when the late tomato blight struck tomatoes across the eastern half of the U.S., dooming the entire crop. I felt their pain, remembering the year four days of a late-spring hard freeze nipped the blossoms on peach and apple trees. That year? No peaches, no apples, for Missouri and Illinois.

But no tomatoes? Unthinkable. I vowed to never take good tomatoes for granted. So for a couple of months, it’s red heaven on a plate, tomatoes morning, noon and night. Sliced and salted. Sliced and sugared. Sliced and slivered with basil and slippery with mozzarella. Then grilled, broiled, roasted, sandwiched and then finally, souped. One night I even drizzled a little tomato syrup over ice cream! Don't let the tomato season pass without reveling in the glory that is the summer tomato!
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