

Vegetables 101: What Is Jicama?

Jicama Bulb
So many vegetables, so many that are unfamiliar! This is the first of an occasional series of posts, quick, easy and practical information about out-of-the-ordinary vegetables. Recipe suggestions included!

WHAT IS JICAMA? Jicama is a large, bulbous root vegetable. A bulb may weigh one or two pounds and has a rough 'n' tough brown skin which should be peeled before eating or cooking. Inside, the flesh is white, wet and crunchy, similar to a raw potato but wetter and crunchier. The flavor is slightly sweet, a little nutty. It's good both raw and cooked, although my own favorite is raw, since it keeps both its crispness and its color over time. Look for it in the produce section

HOW TO PRONOUNCE JICAMA? The word is pronounced [HEE-ka-ma] or [HIK-ka-ma].

OTHER NAMES FOR JICAMA Jicama is also called yambean, Mexican potato and Mexican turnip.

JICAMA & YOU I've listed some good recipes for jicama below but am curious, what do you most like to do with jicama? What do you think about it? Is it easy to find? Do you grow it? Share your story! Bloggers, feel free to share links to your own jicama recipes.

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