

Easy-Easy Roasted Zucchini ♥ Recipe

Easy-Easy Roasted Zucchini
A quick 'n' easy for summer's beautiful zucchini, a "summer" squash. Many thanks to Margie, a reader from Maryland, for sharing this recipe, one she got from a neighbor!

Am I right about this? Some times I think that readers count on A Veggie Venture for vegetable recipes, yes, but even more so as an occasional reminder -- like a speed limit sign on the road, like a string wrapped around a finger, like a sticky note glued to the bathroom mirror – how good familiar vegetables cooked in familiar ways can be.

Roasted zucchini? Not new. The "recipe"? Dead easy. The "special ingredients"? Let's see, onion, olive oil and ground pepper, nothing special there. And yet when the recipe arrived from my friend Margie, it stayed in my InBox until one day, I just threw it in the oven and then ate it, the whole batch, for lunch. And my – was I ever reminded just how good roasted zucchini is!
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