

How to Cook Eggs in a Coffee Cup in the Microwave ♥ Happy Birthday, Alex!

How to Cook Eggs in a Coffee Cup in the Microwave
Today's easy breakfast recipe: Eggs cooked in a coffee mug in a microwave. Quick and easy and so very adaptable. Yes, mine includes veggies, spinach and red pepper. And for any naysayers? It's surprisingly good!

Hey Vegetable Lovers, This recipe is dedicated to my sister's son Alex, my nephew, who turns 21 next week. If you have any quick and easy recipes that a young man should learn how to make, would you leave them in the comments? Links from bloggers welcome!

Dear Alex,

Forgive me, won't you, Alex, for remembering the sweet time when you and I first bonded? It was Thanksgiving Day and your mom and I were busy in the kitchen, stuffing the turkey, mashing the potatoes, stirring the gravy. Your seven-month self wanted attention! So I spent the day cooking with you in my arms: it wasn't efficient but it's my very favorite Thanksgiving memory. As you've grown older, Alex, your Generous Heart gets bigger and bigger, it's no wonder that at Stevi and Tony's wedding last month, a certain four-year old flower girl was smitten by your attention, gifting you her last cake pop to say goodbye.

So here's the thing. My birthday "present" is a small kick in the you-know-what, aiming you toward the kitchen. It's time to learn how to cook a few basics. Eggs are a great place to start. They're cheap, they're good for you and they can be cooked a hundred different ways. So this is your first recipe, it's not even really a "recipe" – you can be as creative as you want, you can make it your one favorite way or you can make it different every time. It's a lot like your mom's Homemade Egg McMuffins which we all love so much. But this is even easier, you just mix it all up in a big coffee mug!
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