

Sweet Potato Curry with Red Lentils, Roasted Peppers & Spinach ♥ (Slow Cooker or Stovetop)

Sweet Potato Curry with Red Lentils, Roasted Peppers & Spinach
Today's vegan main dish or side dish, cooked either in a slow cooker or on the stovetop, an almost-creamy mix of chopped sweet potatoes and red lentils, spiked for a touch of heat with green curry paste. Just before serving, stir in roasted red peppers and fresh spinach. Just gorgeous, really. Low carb. Weight Watchers 3.5 or 5 points. A great choice for Meatless Monday, any meal of the day. Not just vegan but "Vegan Done Real".

This recipe is brought to you against all odds and prevailing winds.

A "Pinterest Cook" No More I had such great confidence when the kitchen remodeling started. "I'll cook every day," I promised myself. Right. Within days, I turned into a "Pinterest cook" - that's someone who "cooks" by pinning one recipe after another without ever actually lighting the stove let alone chopping an onion. Then the other night, I couldn't sleep, my brain-on-busy overwhelmed by pesky kitchen details like, Will the countertops be in by our June 29th party deadline? and What should I do with the backsplash? and What about colored glass for the new light fixture?. I was scrolling through Pinterest when it hit me that all the ingredients for this gorgeous sweet potato curry were collected in the kitchen, postponed from dinner when drywall dust was flying. Five minutes later, the stove was on, the onion was chopped and I felt so calm, so at peace cooking again, albeit at three in the morning. Six hours later, we ate this for breakfast, wishing there were eggs in the house for an "egg on top". Even the kitchen contractor and the electrician dug in with big spoons, everyone gave it "thumbs up".

The Disappearing Memory Card On Sunday, I sat down to upload the pictures and write the recipe when, alas, the memory card slipped between the cushions of a chair! Even after turning the chair upside down, slicing it open from the underside, there was no retrieving the memory card. Thank goodness, I was more than happy to make this sweet potato curry again. Did I mention it was gorgeous?!

Low-Calorie, Low-Point Healthy, Vegan Staples Careful readers will notice that ever since I started (and finished, after losing 35 pounds and feeling GREAT) Medifast (details here), I've been adding 50- and 100-calorie quantities to all new recipes and older recipes as I update them. This is because now that I've replaced Medifast food with my own real food, I want big-flavored, healthy foods in 100-calorie increments. I've been doing this for about two months now and l-o-v-e the energy and satisfaction that eating four small meals a day (plus a main mail and a before-bed small meal) adds to my life. This recipe? It's a total win for that purpose. In a few months, I'll write a post called, "How I Switched from Medifast Food to Real Food" with all the details but in the mean time, I'm still figuring it all out!
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