Okay, so you’re right, of course. This isn’t really eggs benedict, because there’s no English muffin, no Canadian bacon and no hollandaise. Even the egg is fried, not poached. But that’s why I call it Garden Eggs “Benedict”. And it’s closer to traditional eggs benedict than you might think, given all that’s missing!
It starts off with a slice of a large zucchini, a good way to use those "baseball bats” of zucchini that emerge from the garden this time of year. Then there’s a layer of warm tomato, isn’t it so good to have tomatoes again?! Crispy bacon is an easy substitute for Canadian bacon. If you keep the yolk runny, it makes a “sauce” that spills all over the whole pile once you dig your fork in. So phooey on the classic version, Garden Eggs “Benedict” is the summer’s best eggs benedict yet, straight from the garden.
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