

Whole-Grain Salad with Beets, Beans & Corn ♥ A Simple Salad

Today's fall salad recipe: A mix of whole grains like wheatberries or bulghur mixed with rainbow-colored vegetables in a simple vinaigrette. Weight Watchers Friendly, just 1 PointsPlus. Low Cal. Not just vegan, "Vegan Done Real".

When visiting my dad in northern Minnesota right on the Canadian border, I let myself “just cook” - happily forgetting that my websites are hungry for new recipes and other endless attention back at home. With proper timing, I can hit the St. Paul farmers market on the way north to stock up on fresh vegetables, then the grocery store in International Falls for staples. My poor father: when I arrive, his fridge will hold little more than a jar of peanut butter, a bag of baby carrots, a little cheese, a bottle of ketchup, a stick of butter. Fifteen minutes later, the shelves are crammed with food, none of it “ready to eat” mind you, all of it needing preparation. And so our visits begin ...

Some times though, blog-ready recipes just happen naturally. This is one, a gorgeous bowl of late-summer, early-fall goodness, a recipe I've repeated three years in a row now, first at my dad's, twice at home. It does require some of that “preparation” but none of it difficult. The results are worth it, perfect for stress-free days watching the river roll by. (And isn’t my mother's depression-glass bowl just beautiful? She sure had an eye for pretty glass!)
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