

Grilled Beets, Beans & Greens ♥

Life is good when experiments just work
Today's recipe: Beets cooked on a grill. Beans cooked on a grill on a bed of salted beet greens.

"Necessity is the mother of invention" at work: imagine finding yourself with raw beets and beautiful romano beans - and no stove, no pot, no knives, just a grill. What happened next was pure experiment but it worked so beautifully, I share it here, not as a recipe but as a concept.

The beets were small so would cook evenly and comparatively quickly. I tore off the greens but left the 'tails' on - it's important to not cut into the beets themselves, otherwise the juices pour out during cooking. A little olive rub would have been good, to keep the skins soft, but oh well, none at hand. A foil wrap would have contained the heat but also, I think, kept out that golden grill essence. Over indirect heat for about an hour, the beets emerged sweet and smoky, the texture light, the color dark, completely perfect. Very good!

The bed of greens was intended solely as 'grate', something to keep the beans from falling onto the hot coals. I salted them very well, hoping the salt to transfer to the beans. But after a half hour or so on the grill, the greens themselves were salty-crisp, a surprising delight. Very good!

The beans -- gorgeous flat, meaty romano beans -- were the least successful of the three, they most needed a little rub of olive oil. But dipped in melted butter and garlic, they were gobbled up too.

So what do you think? Is the child of necessity a concept that might work in other circumstances? I think so!

~ more beet recipes ~
~ more green bean recipes, especially the wonderful way to recipe for the flatter, sweeter romano beans found at farmers markets this time of year, Garlicky Romano Beans ~
~ more leafy green recipes ~
~ more grilled vegetable recipes ~

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