

Spring Garden Vegetable Soup with Asparagus, Artichokes, Peas & Spinach ♥ Recipe

Spring Garden Vegetable Soup Recipe
Today's spring soup recipe: A bowlful of our favorite spring vegetables, especially artichokes and asparagus.

The seductress that is Spring is toying with us here in St. Louis. For a few days, she taunted us with warm – hot, even – days, luring us into the impression that 'Spring is really here!" For years, I've tracked the very day in my estimation when spring 'really' arrived and 2011 was looking record early by some days.

But no. The real spring has yet to arrive. As I write, there is new snow on the ground and tomorrow's outdoor birthday party is being moved inside.

Still, spring WILL come and it helps to bridge the seasons with what I think of as 'bridge foods' – in this case, a big potful of soup that simmered on the stove but not the heavy stews and meaty soups of winter but a potful of spring vegetables. I envisioned an all-green soup – thus the celery, asparagus, artichokes, peas and spinach – but then thought better of myself and chopped in some carrot for color. With a little help, patience will pay off and spring will make herself known, this time for real.
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